Monday, March 3, 2008


More graphite on location than watercolor in studio.


Roberto Wong said...

Good job Bro!
I guess you cab read spanish and guess what?
Soy Cancer y buey (prefiero decir bufalo) y tambien dibujo, solo soy mas viejo que tu.

Im Cancer and buffalo but older than you.

Algunas de mis cosas estan en

Some of my stuff are in the site below.

Pero creo que solo las esculturas y pinturas me has inspirado a abrir un blog aqui de arte visual pues el que tengo es de cuentos, te invito a leerlos.

I believe are only sculpture and paintings... you inspired me to start a blog witn my visual art here at blogspot. The one I get is for short stories.


Donde vives en Virginia?... yo vivi en Wheathon , Maryland al norte del beltway de Washington DC.

Los said...

Yeah I can read spanish but not so good at writing it!I saw yoursculpters at your and wondering your process. I live in Reston next to Herndon(little El Salvador). I love using my hands when it comes to art thus computer art is not me. Traditional art including scuplture is what I love. Im honored that I Inspired you to get a blogspot!